Friday 24 September 2021

Otaki Youth Space.


On Wednesday Kapiti Coast District Council came into Mnl and did some work with us, they had paper and sticky note hung around the room looking for our ideas. They wanted to include an Otaki youth space for kids, My class and I gave ideas in what to include, we came up with ; music room, bike track and more. we also gave them ideas where it could/would be. I hope that a youth space in Otaki will be fun and safe.

Friday 17 September 2021


 Before lock down me and my class and I help out in the gardening place at school, we help fixed it up and do soil samples.

My Tapa Art

week 7 was Tongan language week and to celebrate my class and I made Tapa art work, we used brown paper, dye, vivid. The first thing we did is we researched some designs to start with, then we went over it with vivid, and when we finished we crunched up the brown paper and then re-opened so it would look like the original tapa bark paper of trees, then dyed it. This is my Tapa art work I did in class.